No matter who you work with at Spencer Paving you can rest assured that we are up-to-date on our certifications and qualifications.
Budgeting For Asphalt Repairs
Budgeting is not usually something people want to do. When you’re trying to determine your grocery budget, gas budget, and/or entertainment budget are you remembering to keep up with your paving repair budget?
Budgeting for asphalt repairs is the best way to make sure you can keep up with your asphalt maintenance. If you can remember to do yearly maintenance it will help you in the long run.
You don’t need to set aside a ton of money for asphalt repairs if you are being wise about your maintenance.
Make sure you deal with any cracks as soon as they appear. This is typically done through seal coating and crack filling. If you are unable to do this yourself to save some money, make sure you are putting enough aside to hire a professional when needed.
If you see potholes or are in need of resurfacing work this can get more expensive as it typically will need to be repaired by a professional.
If you are managing a commercial parking lot, not only might you be facing potholes, cracking and resurfacing issues, but you also might need to update your striping and road markings. This is of course an added expense to your repair needs.
Allocating set funds on an annual basis keeps costs down for repairs while giving you the longest lifespan for your asphalt. It should go without saying that repairs are more cost effective compared to a complete replacement of your entire asphalt project.
If you are in need of any of the services that Spencer Paving offers we are happy to provide you with a quote so that if you currently don’t have money set aside in your budget, you will know how much you will need in the future.
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