Is your driveway starting to look like an animal you typically would find in warmer climates, you know, an alligator? If your driveway is starting to look like a vintage suitcase with long lines and cracks, this is what we call Gator Cracking. The first solution to...
When It Comes To Parking We Know Lots
What do you know about parking lots? We bet you don’t sit and think about them a lot even when you’re stuck in one. The thing is, we think about them all the time. We think about creating them, re-doing parking lots, re-surfacing lots, re-painting lots and all the ins and out that come with creating and maintaining parking lots.
Ever think to yourself, “I wonder what some interesting facts are about parking lots”? Well, you’re in luck because here are 5 facts for you to share with your friends and family.
1) Each car wastes approximately 17 hours a year driving around lots looking for a place to park.•
2) The average motorist spends an average of 17 hours/year searching for a parking spot. This adds up to an estimated $345 per driver in wasted time, fuel and emissions.**
3) The average automobile is parked 95% of the time.*
4) Office space parking typically requires 175 to 250 square feet per person. Curbside parking requires 200 square feet per vehicle and garages require 300 to 350 square feet per vehicle.*
5) The estimated total number of parking spots in the United States is 2 billion with a third of them comprised of spots in parking lots.***
Are you in need of a parking lot for your commercial space? Looking for parking spots for your retail space or church? Contact us today to see how we can help! 607-589-4466
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