Certifications and Qualifications

It should go without saying that in our field there are a lot of safety precautions that have to be noted and implemented.

Our employees fulfill annual OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) training and hold an OSHA 10 certification at the very minimum. This certification is a course that covers general safety and health hazards for entry-level workers. OSHA training fulfills the requirements for jobsite safety and operations.

Along with OSHA, our employees also attend MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration). This training is specifically designed for mining facilities. These facilities are where we get the materials for our projects including Sand, Gravel, Stone and Crushed Stone.

Our drivers are CDL certified drivers. This means that they hold all the qualifications, endorsements, and adequate training to operate commercial vehicles on public roads. This certification is vital to make sure our drivers are safe and following all the rules of the road.

No matter who you work with at Spencer Paving you can rest assured that we are up-to-date on our safety knowledge and we adhere to all safety standards set forth in our field. These certifications are not only important for the safety of our employees, they are also important for the safety of our clients and customers.

If you would like to view our certification documents feel free to ask us. We want you to feel comfortable in the knowledge that we are knowledgeable in all necessary avenues of our business, especially when it comes to safety.

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185 Sabin Road
Spencer, NY 14883

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