Striping Roads and Parking Lots

Spencer Paving loves Pavement Marking. Not only does it mean that your project is essentially completed, it also is the finishing touch that makes your road or parking lot look its best and work properly.


Line striping commercial parking lots and roadways is the best way to establish a flow of traffic. When it comes specifically to your commercial parking lot, striping provides uniform parking arrangements.


It is important that your pavement striping provider know the specific code requirements for the job. Parking spots need to be specific sizes, specific distances from each other, and need to have the required number of handicapped spots to meet ADA requirements.


For roadways, the company providing your pavement marking needs to know exactly when lines need to be solid, dotted, or both so that cars can pass safely. Lines on the side of the road are added to show where the edge of the road is to help provide a guide for foggy nights.


We don’t stop at parking spot lines and roadway lines. There are other indicators that need to be added to asphalt for various reasons. We add stop bars at stop signs so that cars know where they have to come to a complete stop according to traffic laws.


Directional arrows can be added to parking lots and roads to make sure traffic moves the way it is supposed to and help drivers understand the flow of traffic better.

Pedestrian crossings need to be added so people walking can safely cross the street and drivers have a better idea where to slow down for walkers.


Ultimately, proper pavement marking and road striping is an important part of road and parking safety for everyone driving, riding bikes and walking. At Spencer Paving we take pride in our knowledge of pavement marking and striping to keep your project up to code and allow everyone using the roadway to work in harmony.

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