Spencer Paving News
Certifications and Qualifications
No matter who you work with at Spencer Paving you can rest assured that we are up-to-date on our certifications and qualifications.
Our Paving Crew
At Spencer Paving we believe in hiring the best. Even if our new employees don’t arrive on their first day with full knowledge of our business, they will learn daily from the rest of our very knowledgeable team.
Our Leadership
Spencer Paving is truly a family owned and operated business. Our company was founded many years ago by Barney and...
We Do More Than Paving!
Did you know that at Spencer Paving we do much more than standard asphalt projects? Although we love to work with...
Curb Alert!
There is a reason why curb appeal is such a big deal to homeowners and business owners alike. However, not only are...
Budgeting For Asphalt Repairs
Budgeting for asphalt repairs is the best way to make sure you can keep up with your asphalt maintenance.
Striping Roads and Parking Lots
Spencer Paving loves Pavement Marking. Not only does it mean that your project is essentially completed, it also is...
How To Care For Your Parking Lot
Asphalt Parking Lots and Driveways have a lot in common when it comes to maintenance but there are extra steps when it comes to your parking lot.
Can I Repair My Asphalt Driveway Myself?
Are you a DYI homeowner that is wondering if you can repair your driveway issues yourself?
Average Life Of An Asphalt Driveway
You’re looking at your old driveway and wondering if it is worth replacing it and especially wondering how long will your new asphalt driveway last.
We’re Hiring!
Spencer Paving is hiring! We are currently looking for a licensed CDL Driver.
Spring Paving Maintenance
Spring is a great time to install new driveways and parking lots and get our asphalt on the ground and ready for use the rest of the year.
Why Choose Asphalt Over Concrete?
If you’re in the position that you will be replacing your driveway soon you might be wondering, “Which one you should go with?”.
When Is The Best Time For Driveway Repair?
When is the best time to repair your driveway? The simple answer is when you see an issue with it. If your driveway...
Reasons To Replace Your Driveway
Toying with the idea of replacing your driveway but you’re unsure if you should. Here are some suggestions for when you might want to call for an estimate.
Questions To Ask Your Paving Contractor
Any home project can be overwhelming whether you’re doing it yourself or hiring someone else. It can get even more overwhelming the higher the price
Reasons Your Parking Lot Is Looking Rough
Has your parking lot seen better days? Do you long for the time when it was freshly paved and the lines were bright and easy to see?
Items that can affect Paving Costs
Have you ever wondered why paving estimates for your driveway or walkway can vary compared to your neighbor or friend?...
The Best Way To Remove Stains From Your Asphalt
What is the best way to clean your asphalt driveway? Well, that depends on a lot of factors.
What causes Potholes and How Are They Fixed?
Have you ever wondered where potholes come from and why sometimes it takes so long for them to be repaired? Spencer Paving knows everything about potholes.
What is Sealcoating?
Sealcoating is the best way to maintain your asphalt driveway or walkway. It not only prevents damage, it makes sure your surfaces looks the best they can.
How Does Snow Affect Your Driveway?
Like it or not when winter hits there is a good chance (depending on where you live) that you will have to deal with...
Seasons change – how to maintain your asphalt when they do
Everyone has their favorite time of year. Some like the cold and snow of winter, the flowers of the spring, the heat...
Can Asphalt Be Recycled?
Did you ever wonder if asphalt can be recycled?
Paving the way – at night
Did you ever wonder why companies do night paving? There’s a variety of reasons and here are a few.
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